A posting station for expressive
[email protected]
Put yours out there.
We are here to help!
Make Your Ideas Stand out

How it works
It is free to submit your work to our site and have it posted here. Posting shall consist of your work, a completed submission form which appears on our site and your acceptance of our terms and conditions which also appear on our site. Please post only your name and the title of your article above your content. We will have your other information on the submission form. It shall remain free to do so until further notice. If charges apply in the future, you will be notified and have the opportunity to have your work removed from the site without incurring any expenses. Work that is submitted will periodically be passed along to others who may decide to post, some of which may potentially be paying sites. We are not your agent. We are essentially a broker. Once we make a connection between you and a paying publisher, it will be up to you to make your own deal and we will charge you a percentage of the gross amount you receive from that publisher for your work.
You Write! Get it Published!
Why Us?
You write; we write. You want others to see what you write; we want others to see our stuff. You want to be published; we like to be published. We search the publishing possibilities, including suggested pay scales. Park your shorter stuff with us and we'll circulate it to publishing sites we find most likely. You get to approve before any ok is given. Tell us about your full-length stuff and we'll help with your query letters to potential agents and publishers. It’s your stuff, and we always remember and respect your creativity.
Ideas; Pen; Keyboard and Screen; Syntax; Structure; Readers; Understand; Get it; Write It; Fuss Over It; Get It To Someone Who Will Publish It; Maybe Get Paid!
We'll help you get it out there!
Drop Us A Message
We are a posting station connecting you with publishers. Maybe you even get paid for it! Stay tuned to our social media updates.